The Winters Museum
Art Stroll Features Holly Smith
Winters Museum Will Host Holly Smith
Here's a great opportunity to see Art and History!
Visit Downtown Winters on Saturday, October 12, from 2 to 6 p.m., for a chance to meet local and regional artists during the Winters Second Saturday Art Stroll.
Twelve locations are participating and hosting art collections, artist meet-and-greets, or art demonstrations. Most of the locations are offering an Art Stroll wine or drink special for guests.
The Winters Museum will feature Holly Smith, Winters High School art teacher and Winters Historical Mural Team Member. Come meet Holly, view her work, and enjoy a refreshing beverage!
Our Latest Newsletter
Our Latest Newsletter
In the latest edition of the Historical Society of Winters Newsletter, we review the Japanese Monument Dedication and look forward to the next exhibit at the Museum.
Triskaidekaphobia Celebration
Friday the 13th is coming!
That means it's time for a Triskaidekaphobia Party at the Winters Museum & Winters Printing Company's Joint Center for Local History on Friday, September 13, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Join us as we continue the tradition of the Newt Wallace Family's Friday the 13th Party!
Triskaidekaphobia--fear of the number 13--has been around for thousands of years. It was known to exist in ancient Greece, but even then, there were scoffers. Rome had a 13 Club whose members, 13 in number, flouted the superstition by meeting on the 13th of each month. In the Middle Ages in England, 13 was associated with being hanged, as the hangman got 13 pence for doing the job. Even today, in most tall buildings, there’s no 13th floor. Presumedly, calling the story above 12 the 14th floor casts off the curse.
Japantown Monument Dedication
Japantown Monument Dedication
The Japantown Monument Dedication took place in Winters on Saturday, May 4, 2024.
Floyd Shimomura described the day as "magical."
Thanks to all who helped make it a special event. Special thanks go to Mark Wilson who made sure that we had this video to share.
Japantown Monument Photo
This photo serves as the centerpiece of the Winters Japantown Monument. In F.H. Kuroko's photo, Japanese mourners at the funeral of Mrs. N. Nishida are lined up with their floral tributes in front of buildings that once constituted the Asian business district. Originally owned by the Chinese, the structures shown, c.1930, include two Chinese residences on the left, the fish store of Yoshiye and Kabata, the Buddhist Temple (with the swastika, a Buddhist symbol), and the Horai Co., located nearest the railroad bridge. These buildings were partially burned on V-J Day in 1945. Soon after they were demolished in 1948, the City of Winters purchased the three-acre site.
[Photo Source: Yolo County Archives. Text Source: Joann Leach Larkey, Winters: A Heritage of Horticulture, A Harmony of Purpose.]
Japantown Monument
Monument Dedication Photos
Lunch (Photos by Mark Wilson)
Drummers (Photos by Mark Wilson)
Program (Photos by Mark Wilson)
Outside (Photos by Mark Wilson)
Buddhist Service at Winters Cemetery
Miscellaneous Photos
Monument News
Our Photo Travels to San Francisco
Floyd Shimomura recently attended a meeting in Japanese Consul General Yo Osumi's office in San Francisco.
Floyd wrote in his Facebook post: "Japanese Consul General Yo Osumi hosted an informal discussion with Japanese American leaders at his offices overlooking San Francisco Bay on Wednesday. Emily Murase moderated with Glen Fukushima and others sharing their insights. Also in attendance were Dianne Fukami, Kaz Maniwa, and Consulate officials. I showed a 1930 photograph of the Winters Japantown which was later destroyed by fire in 1945 after V-J Day celebrations. This photo will be placed on a monument to be dedicated in April 2024."
The Museum's Year-End Message
The Museum's Year-End Message
Greetings to Our Donors, Friends, and Visitors!
A lot has happened at the Winters Museum this year. We published our first quarterly newsletter in the fall. We welcome any suggestions for stories that you think may be of interest.
Our current exhibit is Take a Look Back at Winters History. This exhibit brings back many wonderful photos that were previously on display, adds some new ones, and features the Ackley Collection—historic photos taken by Brenda Nickerson Ackley's grandfather which she brought to us to share publicly.
Our last exhibit was The Wide World of Winters Sports. This one-of-a-kind exhibit featured many examples of Winters athletes who rose to the top of their fields in college, professional, and even Olympic-level sports. This exhibit marked the fifth year of our museum, and we could not have done it without the support from all of you.
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On a sad note, one of our Historical Society founders, Joann Larkey passed away this fall. She wrote the book Winters: A Heritage of Horticulture, a Harmony of Purpose. Her scholarship, inspiration, and enthusiasm for history were responsible for much of what we have accomplished. Her legacy will be perpetuated by the Joann Larkey Historical Writers' Fund, a scholarship for authors going into historical research.
We are currently making plans to expand our exhibition space. We hope to create a permanent collection and continue having rotating exhibits. In the new year, we look forward to celebrating the bicentennial year of Theodore Winters, our town's namesake. The coming year will also bring a return of The Lost Japanese Community of Winters exhibit when we unveil and celebrate the arrival of the Japantown marker in Rotary Park.
To accomplish these goals, we need continuing funding. We greatly appreciate your support.
If you can help, a tax-deductible donation can be made here or by visiting us in person at the Museum, 13 Russell St., Winters.
We can also use volunteer docents! Being a docent is a great way to learn more about Winters and meet other community members and our many visitors. Please call or email the Museum and we will arrange an orientation session
Again, we truly appreciate your continued support and hope to see you at the Museum in 2024!
Board Members of the Historical Society of Winters
Sad News
Joann Larkey will be missed. . . .
On a sad note, Joann Larkey, one of the Historical Society founders, passed away this fall. She wrote the book Winters: A Heritage of Horticulture, a Harmony of Purpose. Her scholarship, inspiration, and enthusiasm for history were responsible for much of what we have accomplished.
Her legacy will be perpetuated by the Joann Larkey Historical Writers' Fund, a scholarship for authors going into historical research.
Open Now: Take a Look Back at Winters History
Museum Hours
Museum Location
The Winters History Museum is centrally located in downtown Winters at 13 Russell Street, on the corner of Russell and First Streets, a short walk from Buckhorn Steakhouse, Putah Creek Cafe, Preserve, Steady Eddy's, Ficelle, Hooby's, Chuy's, Pizza Factory, Ocean Restaurant, El Pueblo, Carboni's, Winters Hotel, Turkovich Family Wines, Berryessa Gap Tasting Room, L'Apéro les Trois, Winters City Hall, Winters Community Center, and Sam Spade's Office.
New Historical Panel
New Historical Panel
Celestino Galabasa, Jr. created this historical panel for the front of the Winters Museum from the 1879 lithograph of Winters drawn by W.T. Galloway and published in Frank T. Gilbert's The Illustrated Atlas and History of Yolo County, California (DePue & Company, San Francisco, CA 1879). [Photo by Joe Bristow]
Winters Museum Projects
Projects and Volunteers
Check out some of the projects underway at the Winters Museum. Where did Charley find that blinking red light? Where will he put it?
Open Now: Take a Look Back at Winters History
Take a Look Back at Winters History
The Winters Museum is featuring a new, eclectic exhibition titled “Take a Look Back at Winters History.” The exhibit brings back some of the photos that were on display previously and has added some new ones as well.
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The museum has a new collection of photos that is titled the Ackley Collection. In 2019, Brenda Nickerson Ackley brought in many photos that had been taken by her grandfather, Edward James Gannon. Brenda’s grandmother was Hazel Griffin who was the daughter of Alexander Rice Griffin who followed his brother, Joseph Griffin, from Missouri to California.
Tom Crisp was able to scan several of the photos and copies are now hanging in the museum. These are never-before-seen pictures of Winters, especially those that were taken on Main Street. This is definitely a highlight of the exhibit.
In addition, the exhibit has included a few pictures from the previous “Wide World of Winters’ Sports” exhibit, including those of an Olympic athlete, Jack Brinck, and Theodore Winters’ prized racehorse, Norfolk.
An emphasis on the importance of agriculture in the history of Winters is included with previously exhibited pictures and artifacts. Winters was known for its production, processing, and marketing of apricots, peaches, prunes, almonds, and walnuts. Stories and artifacts, as well as pictures, tell this story at the exhibit.
Many local history books by local authors are prominently displayed. Included are books by Tom Crisp, Gloria Lopez, Dorothy O’Neill, Lorraine Rominger, and others. There are also photos of Winters taken by the famed Dorothea Lange that were taken in the 1930s and 40s.
Finally, several of the photos from the “Lost Japanese Community of Winters” are displayed. The next exhibit, planned for the spring of 2024, will bring back this popular exhibit which will coincide with the unveiling of a monument honoring the Japanese community.
Recently Closed: Winters' Sports
Wide World of Winters' Sports
Tom Crisp, the exhibit's co-curator and primary collector, reports that the Winters Museum's Wide World of Winters Sports exhibit closed on Sunday, July 30.
A Special Closing Event
Exhibit Closes with Special Event
The Wednesday Ramblers wowed the crowd with a performance of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" at the closing of the Wide World of Winters' Sports Exhibit.
Monument News
City Council Approves Monument Plan
The Winters City Council unanimously approved the placement of the monument commemorating the Lost Japanese Community of Winters in Rotary Park following a presentation by the Historical Society of Winters.
New Monticello Exhibition Video
Remembering Monticello--A Final Look
Take a guided tour of the recent Remembering Monticello exhibit at the Winters Museum with narration by Carol McGinnis Fitzpatrick and Woody Fridae.
Thank You!
Thank You!
We want to thank everyone for supporting the Historical Society of Winters and the Winters Museum during this year's Big Day of Giving!
Support the Winters Museum!
Support the Winters Museum with a donation to the Historical Society of Winters.
A Brief History of Winters
Newt Wallace writes his Express column
Thanks to the Winters Express for including an article which details the early history of our town in the Welcome to Winters 2020 publication. Please pick up a copy while they are available, or . . .
More Winters History
The Saloons Have Moved!
A 1875 Los Angeles Herald news item mentions Buckeye and Winters. Learn how a decision regarding the routing of an extension of the Vaca Valley Railroad led to the demise of Buckeye and the rise of Winters.
(Source: Tom Crisp's The People of Buckeye and Early Winters)
Buckeye and Early Winters. . .
John Reid Wolfskill
Theodore Winters
The Winters Express
1975 Centennial
In 1975, The Winters Express printed a special supplement commemorating the Winters Centennial.
The Museum's Candy Shop
Our See's Candy Fundraiser is running now!
Are you looking for the perfect gift for your special person or people? With a few keystrokes, you can order See’s candy, have it shipped directly to the lucky recipient, AND support the Winters Museum. Or consider a gift card that the recipient can use at a nearby See's Store.
Use the link below to order See’s Candy gifts through our storefront.
Free shipping on orders of $70 or more!
We appreciate your continued support.
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